Thursday Talk Series | How Bukkie Balances Life And Work


If this is your first time here, I’m excited to welcome you to Thursday Talk Series. And to all the ancients, I hope the week hasn’t been too rough for you. Sometimes we take for granted how normal and boring life can be, until excitement comes our way and makes a complete mess of things. It’s the reason why a lot of times during the week I had to consciously talk myself into being productive. I said to myself, “If it’s important to you, you’ll do it.” Several instances surfaced where I deviated from that mantra and I was faced with unforeseen consequences. So yeah, boing is nice too. On the upside, I have a couple of new projects due and I’m pretty pumped about them. One of them is setting up an Instagram account for my blog | @iamrigozo (I’m swimming in shark-infested waters) and hopefully I’m up for the challenge 😂😂. I’ll keep y’all posted.

Alright, today we have Oluwabukola (Bukkie) with us and she’s the kind of woman you’d want on your team (I know this because we go way back, and the first time we met, we played tag team to get hostel rooms and we won). Fun fact: She walks with a spring in her step like she’s listening to music, and is about to do a pirouette. Bukky shows dedication to the people she cares about and the things that matter to her, and all of her quiet determination is wrapped up in an outer bubble of refinement and chic. I’m certain she’s the type to plan and execute a heist, while she’s playing host to a crowded room of dignitaries, policing people’s fashion, and sipping champagne (it’s the imagery for me). I’m over the moon that I got to interview her🥰🥰

Q. Can you introduce yourself and what you do?

A. My name is Oluwabukola Adebo and I’m from the southwestern part of Nigeria, Ekiti to be precise. I am currently working for a financial organization where I am largely into client relations and management.

Adebo Oluwabukola

Q. Why do you do your job, and would you rather do something else?

A. Well, like I said earlier, I’m client-facing,  primarily involved in customer service, and my work relatively is meeting new people, understanding their issues, and proffering solutions; in general it’s relationship management at its core. Well, at the beginning of my career, I initially wanted to work in investment banking, I felt it went with the course I studied which was Economics but now it’s like every year I come up with something new to do. One thing that I’ve been interested in is fashion and décor. I love putting clothes together and creating beautiful spaces. Mostly I would like to be a successful businesswoman.

Q. What do you appreciate about yourself and what would you like to change?

A. Well, I’m grateful for the fact that I have come this far with work despite the many times I have quit in my head, and though each day seems like it’s tough, mentally I’ve grown tougher. Also, I’ve grown closer to my friends and built strong and long-lasting relationships over the years. I would like to break through my fear, because I feel like I could be so much more without it. Likewise, I’d like to stop procrastinating most of the things I have planned, and change it from DO IT LATER to DO IT NOW.

Q. If money was not relevant, what would you do all day?

A. I would most likely read a lot of books, travel and vlog about the places I’ve been to, probably write a bit and watch lots of sappy love movies. But honestly for me to live freely, I would need financial freedom, so at the end of the day money is still important.

Q. What do you feel you take for granted and how does it affect you?

A. Honestly, right now I cherish the things that I have but if I had to pick something I would say the new friends I’m getting close to. I’m terrible at returning missed calls so if you don’t know me well, you’ll take offense; some people couldn’t get past it. However, I’m making strides to correct that behavior.

Q. What have you accomplished so far that has made you proud?

A. Well, this is tough but I would say the fact that I’ve been able to create a work and life balance; being applauded at my Job for doing amazing work and at the same time getting awarded at the completion of my professional exams. It was unexpected but it felt good nonetheless. So, generally I’m grateful for growth on all sides.

Q. What two things do you think of the most each day and why?

A. Well, the thoughts that I have to vary based on the seasons in my life. Currently, it would be the, “What am I going to the next,” if I take away all the financial pursuit and seriousness from life, primarily because I want to be free, not necessarily unemployed, but not bound to the policies of office culture. Also, I like to think of the clothes I’m supposed to wear the next day, I’m usually torn between turning up in all black or doing something colorful.

Q. What’s your idea of real success and how can it be achieved?

A. For me, real success hits when you have self-fulfillment. It doesn’t mean you have to be super wealthy or own the most houses, but if you’re genuinely happy, peaceful, and comfortable doing what matters to you, surrounded by people you love and who love you, it makes a lot of difference. I don’t think there’s a strict rule to achieving success, there are some definite things one should do like being intentional, disciplined etc, but at the end of the day what pattern works best for you is what you subscribe to.

Q. What’s the one thing you think that should be taught in school about choosing a career that isn’t?

A. I would say financial management, not necessarily at its core but the art of being an entrepreneur should be emphasized. Most schools teach children how to work for people and not for themselves. I think it’s more important that kids are sensitized from a young age that they can be whoever they want to be, that are there are no limits to success. In addition, extracurricular activities should be promoted, kids should be allowed to express themselves.

I don’t think there’s a strict rule to achieving success, there are some definite things one should do like being intentional, disciplined etc, but at the end of the day what pattern works best for you is what you subscribe to.

Oluwabukola Adebo on Thursday Talk Series

Q. What is that thing that you see as an obstacle which can stop you from having success?

A. Well erhm, I would say I’m my biggest motivation but I think some personality traits hold me back, I’m a very reserved person and with the way the world is moving, people who speak up are more recognized, so I need to break through that barrier of being timid and be more outspoken.

Thank you so much Bukkie for the interview and know that I’m rooting for you (we all are, right guys?) I’m also grateful to everyone for being here. Hope you have a brilliant Thursday.

Follow Bukkie on Instagram

I found this the other day, who can relate?😂😂
  • What’s The Truth?
    Our perception of the truth can be distorted…but we’ll still choose to die on that hill.
  • Left Behind
    The abandoned church stood like a man awaiting trial.
  • How To Live Like A Hero
    And the pressure keeps growing and growing and growing until you feel like you are moments away from exploding.

Starry Night – Snail Story#3


He sat on a low stool by the door and kept watch over those that were sleeping inside. The night was alive with the hum of insects and night creatures, and the moon looked down sullenly.

The midnight blue sky bejeweled with sparkling stars stretched for miles all around him.

As he looked up at the mesmerizing sight he felt a longing deep inside and recollected other nights of light and laughter.

Suddenly he was weightless, no more than a feather, and below him was a body slumped on the floor with eyes frozen wide open reflecting the light above.

He regarded the face, quite fetching he reluctantly agreed, and yet there were lines of weariness etched on it, like a canvas depicting suffering and pain. Up, up, up, he floated, like smoke rising from a chimney in the dark days of winter until the house grew to be a speck. He wondered briefly about the sleepers and what dreams plagued their sleep and if perhaps he would be missed... But soon he was among the stars and they welcomed him as one of their own and finally, he was home.

For Jesam

You can’t see the stars this side of town😓

  • What’s The Truth?
    Our perception of the truth can be distorted…but we’ll still choose to die on that hill.
  • Left Behind
    The abandoned church stood like a man awaiting trial.
  • How To Live Like A Hero
    And the pressure keeps growing and growing and growing until you feel like you are moments away from exploding.

On The Art of Living


I’m very particular about living (well) and I have been aware of it for a very long time and would like to say a few things. There’s no denying that ‘life is wonderful’, I believe it is why most people at their last moments, would have given anything to keep their hearts beating. I think it ironic that we that are alive spend most of the time bemoaning our existence.

Granted life gives us doses of wins and losses, and there’s so much going on around the world that could test even the patience of a saint.

I like how Stephen King puts it matter of fact, “Get busy living or get busy dying.” Well, those are the options and that’s all there is to it.

Time is precious
No time like the present

We Are Alive

Everybody that is alive do five things in common; breathe, eat, sleep, piss, and sh*t. Even babies get with the program as soon as they arrive on the third planet from the sun (I don’t know anybody who doesn’t, and if you do, please feel free to mention the person). Many would argue that we are one and the same, while others will stand on our individuality and uniqueness; potato – potato.

Whatever the case may be, you inhabit this earth and there’s only one permanent way out (into the unknown). But while you are here, you play your part in the grand scheme of things (this here is shrouded in mystery) no matter how miserably or awesomely you are getting along.

When you are fed up of adulting.

How many times do we tell ourselves that we can handle this? It’s the way we deal with things that upset us. It’s the reason why whoever you are, wherever you find yourself or whatever you do; you spent your formative years immersed in learning the acceptable way to live. Moreover, you are besieged with family, friends, school, work, government and many more. You just have to learn to deal with it because as you grow older, it is expected of you to take the reins of your life and make decisions on how you want to live it .

Side Bar:

There’re all forms of pleasure available and only a few compete with the joy of eating good food. When cake melts in your mouth, you experience paradise and all lovers of plantain can testify that nothing can compare. Eat good food because your health is important, enjoy it because you have to be a sadist not to. That’s one way to liven up your living.

Living usually takes different turns at different stages of your life and you are confronted with fresh-faced issues. Mostly there are periods of triumph and periods that are tumultuous. And it continues in this manner until you breathe your last. No matter how much we try, there are days when we cannot deny that we are not okay. Good news is it’s normal.

To talk about how hard living can be. I'm not Okay.

Making The Most Of Living

Love yourself; You Matter: Put your hands up if you know that you’re a spec and need no validation from other people (both of my hands are in the air). I think it goes beyond knowing it, and it depends more on living your life and taking actions that shows how much you value yourself. I say this because when people say they are living their best life, I assume that there can be such a thing as living your worst life. So get into your Zen, be aware of who you are and cash out on appreciating yourself.

Stay Away From People

Build a strong barrier around yourself to keep the wrong people out. The reason why is so that you do not lose your sanity. Yes, stay away or your mental/physical/spiritual health can be threatened. If you realize that the wrong people still inhabit your space, it could be because your barrier is made from bubble wrap, and well you get the idea…you are like a kid’s favorite play toy. They’ll definitely chew you up and spit you out as a complete mess. Keep the right people around you…you’ve heard this before, maybe it’s time to find them and keep them. The wrong people who don’t do anything for you, send packing.

Use Available Resources

This is what I see a lot of us struggle with because human needs are insatiable and there’s always something more. It takes a lot of self discipline to work with available resources and to get things done. Khalil Gibran writes, “Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens.” Reframing you’re mindset plays a huge part in fixing your life, or you’ll truly live in sobriety. Not everything is within your reach but take advantage of what is and that would be your stepping stone.

…when people say they are living their best life, I assume that there can be such a thing as living your worst life.

Stop Procrastinating

There are several times when I fail to get things done because I procrastinate. I got this drilled into my head. When I say “I’ll try to do this,” I get the response, “Don’t try, just do it.” Do it? A lot of times the only thing I want to do is nothing. In real life though, you can’t always wait for life to happen, it is advisable to go out and grab what you want by the balls. No offense meant. Charles Linbergh proposes that while living in dreams of yesterday, we find ourselves still dreaming of impossible future conquests. In other words, live your life now.

Just Do It!❤️

Thursday Talk Series | Ugo Lives Life To The Fullest

Some days my mind takes the initiative to shut down so that I can catch a break. Here’s the thing, for a moment I will forget everything, regardless of where I am or what I’m currently doing. This wool-gathering seems to happen to me on days when I’m idle or mostly stressed out. I’ve heard people say things about absentmindedness but in my own opinion I feel that if I do not let my mind wander once in a while then I cannot really appreciate being present. It’s like that saying “Only in the darkness can you see the stars.”

Alright, we have Ugochukwu today and well I’m pumped. I feel that Ugo does a marvelous job of understanding what she wants out of life in this period. She makes it seem like it would make all the difference if we are not so bothered about the end because we have spent all of our existence just enjoying being here and present as much as we can. Only good vibes and awesome energy! She’s also not shy to admit to feeling less confident occasionally. Still, she’ll show up and try all she can to love and encourage herself and keep the faith. In the same way, she infuses love and light into the people around her. That’s Gogo for you. Let’s get into it.

Q. Can you introduce yourself and what you do?

A. Hi, My name is Ugochukwu Eluchie. I am also known as Ugo or Gogo. What do I do? I exist. I am living my life and trying to do so to the fullest.

Ugochukwu Eluchie

Q. Why do you do your job, and would you rather do something else?

A. Should I be honest? I do my job because that’s really what I am good at for now. I would rather not do anything but live, without the pressure of working to earn a living.

Q. What’s your idea of real success and how can it be achieved?

A. My idea of success evolves as I take steps in life. I think real success for me is enjoying my life. Not pretending to but enjoying it, liking it, and finding satisfaction in what I have per time. The only way this can be achieved is by being content. Contentment is the key to living out this version of success.

Q. What do you appreciate about yourself and what would you like to change?

A. I appreciate my vulnerability. I will always tell the people I know who care for me how I feel. I am quite honest about my feelings, most of the time. The only thing I would like to change is how my emotions sometimes make me feel defeated but then again I have support from the Spirit of God who helps me when my emotions rage.

Q. Do you think we have a greater purpose or are we just waiting for our turn to die?

A. I think we all have one purpose, to live lives that honor the one who made us. Our purpose permeates through our careers, schools, friendships, families, marriages, and so on. The purpose to live for God is our great purpose, there is nothing greater or lesser. It’s just that. I mean we are also waiting for our turn to die but we do so as we live out our purpose.

Q. What kind of people do you allow into your circle?

A. I allow good people, kind people, caring people, and loving people.

Q. What two things do you think of the most each day?

A. I think of when I die if my friends will use my best selfie for my obituary and I think of the abroad, my real home.

Q. What’s your favorite social media platform? Why?

A. My favorite social media platform is Tumblr and it is because nobody I know is there. The pressure is off and I get to read people’s thoughts about the most random things.

Q. Can you share how what you do is relevant in society?

A. Lol I said to exist, so in other words, my existence is relevant to society as I get to shine the light of God and all he has placed inside me in the society I live in.

I think we all have one purpose, to live lives that honour the one who made us. Our purpose permeates through our careers, schools, friendships, families, marriages…. The purpose to live for God is our great purpose, there is nothing greater or lesser.”

Ugochukwu Eluchie on Thursday Talk Series

Q. If you could, what’s the one thing you’d change about the world in this generation?

A. I will change nothing. Every generation is unique and I think we are living out our uniqueness and God understands that uniqueness. Hence he is meeting people in this generation and drawing them to himself. Moses and Joshua were two remarkable leaders but they led two different generations and that was their call. The world will come to know the love of God if we live intentional and purposeful lives. I won’t change anything, I will only encourage people to live lives that men may see God in them.

Thank you very much Ugo for the interview, it has been a pleasure and I do hope you get to live your life to the fullest. It has been fun people, have a super-duper (only good vibes) Thursday. See ya!

Follow Ugo

Currently Reading😍

Read more Thursday Talk Series

On Waking Dreams #2


In my waking dreams
Reality is sullied
The world is chaos and order
Time flows backward
And nothing is everything

But what is this?
Where did the time go?
My memories of this place are empty
Beseiged by fantasies
I'm lost

Winter has come
Gone is the trace of the sun,
Still, I remember
The feel of warmth on my skin
And the taste of it

I lie awake in bed
My mind whirling like a desert storm
I see with my inner eyes
Nothing is hidden from me
I am master of my dreams

The Spaces In Between – Snail Story#2


As I picked up my bag and joined the sea of bodies moving out of the train station, it crossed my mind fleetingly how everyone was on their way to somewhere else. I imagined the train station as a long, wide bridge, suspended over a deep valley. People trod across the bridge to and fro, but nobody remained on it.

I’ve always wondered if the sun ever tires of rising and falling, and if tomorrow wishes it would never come again and if the past hates to be forgotten. When the day ends does it sigh with regret and wish to last a moment longer, and can the stars refuse to shine.

I reckon that the train station is one of the spaces in between. A place that is not an origin or a destination. A place that witnesses new beginnings and hasty goodbyes, of what is, what was and what could be. A tiny pocket of the universe serving its purpose, unable to change or become anything more than what it is on its own volition.


Photo Credit: Pexels

Thank you for reading…😌

The Prince – Snail Story#1


The dozen or so flowers artfully arranged in the lavishly decorated room was unable to mask the cloying smell of sickness and decay. The heavy drapes covered the windows, and there was a constant buzz of flies accompanied by the groans coming from the direction of the large canopied bed.

The physician looked down at his patient, the Prince, and struggled to hide his revulsion. He hoped that the disease – it was unlike anything he had ever seen – was not contagious. Rumor had it that the Prince had forced himself on a witch and she had cursed him as she took her own life.

The vicious and arrogant prince was now a shriveled lump in the center of the bed. The shallow breaths he took made a wheezing sound. His skin was dry like parchment, clinging to his bones and flaking as if covered with dandruff. He was in immense pain, unable to eat or drink because his mouth was full of sores, and boils covered his groin. The Prince’s hair had fallen out and his once handsome face was gaunt with sunken cheeks, but his eyes were open, very much alive and trapped in a dying body.

Hey guys! As promised my flash fiction collection – Snail Story is up and cruising. And I want to do a lot of things with it, I feel butterflies in my belly just thinking of it. This is the first and I hope to have close to fifty or more before the year runs out, that’s roughly 10,000 words. Wow! Nice.

Thank you guys for reading. I really appreciate it. You can share and comment, I’d love to know what you think about my first attempt😂

Photo Credit: Pexels

Read Thursday Talk Series here

Love You Everyday


I want you to let me love you
The reason is of little importance
I want to hold your hands
All you need to do is to never let go
Words are often misconstrued
And malice breeds like sewer rats
Tracking filth on the sheets
Therefore I'll let my actions do the talking
Give you smiles to drive away your fears
Hugs to reassure you that everything will be alright
And if you still want the words, I'll give them all to you
They will sink like serums into your pores
The cadence of my voice as potent as a siren's song
All I ask is that you let me love you everyday

Thank you for reading. Let us not forget to choose love everyday.

Working on a new feature for my blog called Snail Story. It would be flash fiction stories of less than 200 words. Will you be interested to read it? Please leave your comments, I’d love to know what you think.

I’m currently reading this book and I’ve found out that it has hidden gems. 😍

How I Get Over Melancholy


To describe how I’ve been the last few hours before I decided to write this post – a wilted flower. Dry and lackluster. I’ve tried to focus but find myself spacing out – my mails must be a mess because I’ve tried but failed to sort them out. I am detached from the present and it doesn’t sit well with me. Still, I can’t put a finger on why I’m melancholic (sad but thoughtful).

My thoughts are all over the place – I sincerely blame the weather.

Figured I should get things off my chest. The truth being if I don’t manage this, it could easily get worse and this Alice is not falling down that rabbit hole. I know to take it easy with myself – this too shall pass – you ken that mantra. So how do I get over melancholy?

Here are things that I have tried before:

Read A Book

Burying myself in a book is yet another escapism for me, but balk at the idea of trying to get away from my present meh-lancholic reality. I could either pick up from where I left off in Stephen King – On Writing: A Memoir Of the Craft, or cuddle with my newest book Kresley Cole – The Player (The Game Maker Series). Not really a tough choice to make I must confess. When I read I am no longer burdened by the particulars of my existence.

Stream Music

Even though I haven’t been able to make a playlist in a while, most times I stream songs at random. To get my mind off things I’d probably go for Julia Michael’s first studio album – Not In A Chronological Order. I like the title and love the songs even more especially the track, Little Did I Know. Not sure listening to sappy songs, will help improve my mood.

Binge on Food

My mouth is watering at this prospect, eager to get on with the business of chewing and saying farewell to melancholy. Eating is a pleasure. Good food can curl your toes and leave you full and satisfied. That is why I know to be wary of it. Pigging out can only give me temporal respite and leave behind it’s own issues.

Get Some Work Done

Pooh Pooh! My final answer is no. The odds that working would drive me off the edge is feasible.


I don’t really like this particular activity outside its biological function. (Some people love to sleep, long past what their body requires). I penny pinch the hours in a day I give to sleep. Lately it has been a different story with me looking for opportunities to nod off. I’m sure being stressed out often has been the main culprit but lately I am finding myself abed at odd hours and not doing any other activity…just sleeping. I’m as shocked as you are. Could be another escapist route or I’ve caught a sleep bug or something.

Watch a Movie

Movie and popcorn sounds like the fun thing to do, except sometimes I’m not in the mood for movie anything. The last movie I watched was a K-Drama series, Penthouse: War In House, and it has everything I love about drama. Still rocking from the thrill I got from watching Season 1 & 2 and waiting impatiently for Season 3. I’m am so not over it. I could be tempted still by Cruella, because Emma Stone is such a delight to watch. I’ll keep my options open just in case.

I’m going to give myself some time to decide what to do. Good news is I feel a little better writing/talking about it. I think I should consider getting to the root of what set me off. I’m definitely going to do it and a lot more to shake off the doom and gloom. Fancy something has got to work.

Until next time!


adj. /unenthusiastic and wistful/

I feel meh-lancholic tonight.

Rigozo’s Dictionary

Hello June!


Finally, the month of May is over and June has come to stay. Guys! let’s take deep breaths as we release May into the wild. Now welcome June with a big smile, because I find it hard not to truly appreciate the month that ushers in summer. If High School Musical is to be believed, then SUMMERTIME is the time of our lives. That’s the hype! You can go to the park, pool, picnics, the beach, wear shorts, get a tan, go for a holiday, and all things bright and beautiful.

Me: Hello June! Please be nice.

The Universe:  Finger’s crossed.

Conversation with the universe.

Still not buying it right?

Me neither.

June for me equals a lot of sunshine, which translates to oppressive heat and sunburn. Therefore, I would spend much of my time staying indoors/under a shade, applying a ton of skin products (how much SPF is too much?) and trying to hide sweat stains. Don’t hesitate to subscribe to crunching on ice, and taking baths 5 times in a day, I totally recommend it.

“June, please!” I beg, as I wring out bucketful of sweat. Pathetic!

Have a good day!

Wait! I heard June has more to offer (it’s up for debate)

A Good Month to Get Hitched and Make Babies

The month of June is for happily ever after and producing heirs. Yup! June was named after the Roman Goddess, Juno (Junius). She’s the goddess of Marriage and Childbirth. We are literally in a fertile month – that is mind blowing. Also, June as a name in Latin means Born in June. Very Original guys! 👏

Longest And Shortest Day In The Year

June is the month with the longest and shortest day in the year, depending on which side of the globe you inhabit. Between June 20 and 22, depending on the year – in the northern hemisphere, it would be the longest day of the year, and in the southern hemisphere, the shortest day of the year. You’ll have to live it, to know it. And June 21st, this wonderful day is the International day of Yoga, and Father’s day. Awesome!

Okay, June is looking up.

To keep us in a bubble of awesomeness and to embrace positive vibes from the very first day of the month of June, hopefully to the last day, is a lovely poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar.

If Not For June

If not for June,
My memories of Winter in December...
With a wish to witness,
The freshness of Spring March would bring...
Would not still remain so vivid.
As if only yesterday visited.
If not for June

If not for June
My eyesight would not be teased...
By the freedom felt in Summer,
With hopes that linger of those things I could do
Under clear skies showing bright Sun.
And seeing the fin shared by nearly everyone,
If not for June

And if not for June I would not be able to
From so many experiences I could pick.
June seems to be the month I can do this.
With a thankfulness I am still in the midst,
of a year that appears to have just begun.
With so much left to offer before it is done.
And for me this happens only when June comes.

Lawrence S. Pertillar

That’s as far as I can go with June for now. I plan to catch cruise as much as I can, indoors and outdoors. And take lots of pictures, maybe share it here in my gallery.

So, welcome June, do your best, and have fun! 😊😊😊

“By the freedom felt in summer, with hopes that linger of those things I could do, under clear skies showing bright Sun.”

If Not For June by Lawrence S. Pertillar

Photo Credit: Pexels